Helping to make boating safer and more fun
All seminars will be held at the North Palm Beach Anchorage Park Building,
603 Anchorage Drive, North Palm Beach, FL, unless otherwise noted
Hurricane Preparation for Boaters

When a named storm threatens, you need to be prepared and protect your boat. In this short seminar, you’ll learn how to select a location from which to weather the storm and prepare your boat for a hurricane.
To Be Scheduled
For more information, contact us at:
Introduction to Navigation

Do you want to learn practical techniques to plan, navigate, and check your progress on the water? It’s not that hard, and modern marine electronics like GPS and Chartplotters make it even easier.
This seminar will introduce you to using nautical charts to determine safe routes, creating waypoints in your Chartplotter and other GPS devices, and basic electronic navigation and planning using the free downloadable OpenCPN software.
To Be Scheduled
For more information, contact us at:
Weather for Boaters

“A veering wind will clear the sky;
A backing wind says storms are nigh.”
All boaters have heard this mariner’s proverb or similar ones. They have a salty flavor that takes us back to the era of sailing ships. In this seminar students will learn the meteorological basis for them.
The safety and comfort of those who venture out-on-the-water have always been weather dependent. This seminar is a must for boaters who have never taken a weather course. The complex subject of weather is presented in a way that is both understandable and useful.
To Be Scheduled
For more information, contact us at:
Anchoring with Assurance

Good seamanship demands that all boaters know how to anchor safely. Anchoring topics begin with how to select an anchorage and how to anchor depending on conditions. After learning how anchors should be used, you will know if yours is satisfactory or what kind(s) to buy. The seminar covers useful anchoring tips and tricks and concludes by discussing how to moor and raft safely.
To Be Scheduled
For more information, contact us at:
Knots & Line Handling

Do you know which knots to use in every situation?Learn how to secure your boat to docks, piers, and other boats. Which knots to use in rescue and repair situations, manage running rigging, anchor securely, and tow other boats and people. This seminar will help you to know which knots to use in each situation. You’ll gain knowledge and hands-on experience with selecting the appropriate line and tying some of the most useful knots, bends and hitches. You’ll also find out what bends and hitches are.
To Be Scheduled
For more information, contact us at:
Rules of the Road

Navigational rules of the road help you know what to do when you share the water with other boats, how to recognize and signal intentions, and how to avoid a collision. This seminar focuses in a practical way on helping you understand the basic rules encountered by recreational boaters during almost every boating outing and the rules most likely to apply in the local waters where you boat. It covers skipper responsibilities, general rules and definitions, rules to avoid a collision, and sound and light signals.
To Be Scheduled
For more information, contact us at:
Boating with Confidence

Gain confidence, knowledge, and skills that you need for a variety of boat-handling situations.
Learn about basic operations: trimming your boat, operating on a plane, handling seas and waves, dealing with sand bars, rivers, river bends, and other situations you will encounter along your cruise. And you’ll have a better understanding about issues you can control, and how to handle them. Understand the issues that the environment will present and how to react in a timely manner.
To Be Scheduled
For more information, contact us at:
Introduction to Navigation

Do you want to learn practical techniques to plan, navigate, and check your progress on the water? It’s not that hard, and modern marine electronics like GPS and Chartplotters make it even easier.
This seminar will introduce you to using nautical charts to determine safe routes, creating waypoints in your Chartplotter and other GPS devices, and basic electronic navigation and planning using the free downloadable OpenCPN software.
To Be Scheduled
For more information, contact us at: